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Esther Low

9 Tips for Fresh Graduates to Land More Job Interviews

Let's be real: the job hunt can feel like an endless cycle of submitting applications and hearing... nothing back. 🤫 It's frustrating, discouraging, and can make you wonder if your resume is even being read.

But don't worry, you're not alone! Lots of students and recent grads feel this way. The good news is, there are proven strategies you can use to stand out from the crowd and land more interviews.

Ready to ditch the endless waiting and finally get your foot in the door? Here are 9 tips to make your job search more effective.

Tailor your resume to each job application

Think about it: would you wear the same outfit to a job interview at a tech startup and a formal law firm? Probably not.

The same goes for your resume. Hiring managers want to see that you understand their company and how your skills align with their specific needs.

  • Carefully read the job description. Highlight the keywords and phrases they use and make sure your resume reflects those skills and experiences.

  • Show you've done your research. Mention something specific about the company that impressed you or aligns with your interests.

  • Don't just tell them, show them. Instead of saying you're "good at social media marketing," give concrete examples and numbers (e.g., "Increased social media engagement by 20%").

Build a strong personal branding

Your personal brand is your professional reputation—what makes you unique and memorable? What are your strengths and passions?

  • Create a LinkedIn profile. Showcase your skills, experience, and interests in a way that's both professional and authentic.

  • Network, network, network. Connect with people in your field, attend industry events (virtual or in-person), and share your knowledge and insights online.

  • Build a portfolio. If you’re in a creative field, showcase your best work on a website or online platform. If you're into coding, try putting your GitHub profile.

Contact the hiring manager directly

Found a job posting that really excites you? Why not reach out to the hiring manager directly?

  • Find them on LinkedIn. Send a personalized message expressing your interest and highlighting your relevant skills.

  • Look for mutual connections. If you know someone who knows them, ask for an introduction.

  • Be polite and professional. Keep your message short and sweet, and don't be afraid to follow up (once!) if you don't hear back.

Apply for jobs that aren't advertised

Job boards are a good starting point, but don't rely on them exclusively. Many amazing opportunities are never even advertised!

  • Tap into your network. Let your friends, family, professors, and former colleagues know you're looking for a job – they might know of unadvertised openings.

  • Reach out to companies directly. Even if they're not actively hiring, a well-written email expressing your interest and skills could open doors.

Go to career fairs and other events

Career fairs and industry events are great opportunities to network, learn about different companies, and make a lasting impression.

  • Be prepared. Have your elevator pitch ready, bring copies of your resume, and dress to impress.

  • Follow up. Connect with people you meet on LinkedIn and send a thank-you note to everyone who took the time to talk to you.

Ask for feedback

It can be hard to see the flaws in your own resume and cover letter. Ask a friend, mentor, or career counsellor to review them and give you honest feedback.

  • Be specific with your questions. Don't just ask "Is this good?"—ask for specific feedback on the content, formatting, and clarity.

  • Don't take it personally. Use the feedback to make your next application even stronger.

9 Tips for Fresh Grads to Land More Job Interview - Kabel

Get creative with your application

Sometimes, a traditional resume and cover letter just don't cut it.

  • Think outside the box. For creative roles, consider making a video resume, designing an infographic, or building a personal website to showcase your skills.

  • Highlight relevant projects. If you've worked on projects (even personal ones) that demonstrate your skills, be sure to mention them.

Follow up (without being annoying)

It's totally okay to follow up after an interview or application—it shows you're proactive and genuinely interested.

  • Send a thank-you note. Within 24 hours of your interview, send a personalized thank-you note to reiterate your interest and highlight key points from the conversation.

  • Check in (once!). If you haven't heard back after a week or two, send a brief, polite email to check on the status of your application.

Explore platforms like Kabel

Tired of endless applications, confusing job boards, and feeling lost in the job hunt? Platforms like Kabel are designed to make the process easier and more efficient.

  • Kabel matches you with relevant opportunities based on your skills, interests, and goals, so you're not wasting time applying for jobs that aren't a good fit.

  • Kabel simplifies the application process. No more filling out endless forms – your Kabel profile is all you need!

Ready to land more job interviews?

The job hunt can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and a bit of persistence, you can find the perfect opportunity.

Remember: stay positive, stay organized, and use the right tools (like Kabel!) to make your search more efficient and effective. Don't give up!

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