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Esther Low

Does Gen Z Want to Work for You? Learn How to Attract Them - Take the Quiz!

By 2025, Gen Z will make up 27% of the global workforce – and they're bringing a whole new set of expectations to the workplace.

If your company can't attract and retain these young talents, you'll be in trouble. You'll struggle to fill open positions, find it hard to keep up with the latest trends, and your competitors will be way ahead of you. 

So, do you know what attracts Gen Z? Are they even interested in working with you? 

Don't wait until it's too late. We'll share actionable tips in this article, and you can take our quick quiz to find out your company's Gen Z Attractiveness Score!

Why You Need Gen Z On Your Team

Let's be honest: who really gets your youngest customers? Who's glued to their phones, using the latest apps and setting the trends? Who's demanding a more sustainable and ethical world?

Yup, it's Gen Z.

And they're not just your future customers—they're the future of your workforce.

How Gen Z can transform your business:

Need Fresh Ideas? Ask Gen Z

Gen Z sees the world differently. They're not afraid to challenge the status quo and come up with creative solutions that you might not have even considered. 

Example: A Gen Z marketing intern might suggest a TikTok campaign to reach a younger audience, while a more experienced employee might stick to traditional methods.

Gen Z employees contributing fresh ideas in a meeting - Kabel

Need to Up your Tech Game? Gen Z Can Help

They've grown up with technology, so they're not intimidated by new tools or platforms. They can help you embrace the latest tech and stay ahead of the curve.

Example: A Gen Z data analyst could quickly learn to use automation tools to streamline data cleaning processes, saving your company time and money.

Looking for Passionate Employees? Gen Z is Driven by Purpose`

They're driven by purpose and want their work to have a positive impact on the world. This passion can inspire your entire team and help you attract customers who share those values.

Example: A Gen Z employee might suggest partnering with a local charity or implementing sustainable practices within your company.

Building a Company Gen Z Actually Wants to Work For

But here's the thing—Gen Z has different expectations than previous generations and they're not going to settle for just any job. Forget about perks like ping-pong tables or free pizza Fridays because Gen Z wants more. They're looking for a company that aligns with their values, supports their growth, and offers a genuine sense of purpose.

So, how do you create a workplace that Gen Z actually wants to be a part of?

1. Rethink Your Recruitment & Selection Process

Ditch the old-school "post and pray" approach. Gen Z is looking for a more personalized and engaging experience.

  • Meet them where they are. Use social media, online platforms, and creative recruiting strategies to connect with potential candidates. 

  • Make applying easy. Simplify your application process. Make it mobile-friendly, ask only for essential information.

  • Showcase your company culture. Highlight what makes your company unique—your values, your commitment to employee growth, and your work-life balance philosophy.

  • Be upfront about compensation and benefits. Gen Z values fairness and transparency. Let them know what they can expect from day one.

  • Communicate clearly and promptly. Don't ghost candidates! Keep them informed throughout the process, and provide feedback, even if it's a "no."

2. Cultivate a Company Culture That Resonates with Gen Z

Gen Z wants to feel like they belong, like their voices are heard, and like they're part of something bigger than themselves.

  • Embrace flexibility and work-life balance. Offer remote work options, flexible schedules, and perks that support their well-being.

  • Give them a voice. Encourage younger employees to share their ideas, contribute to decision-making, and feel like they're part of something bigger.

  • Foster a culture of innovation. Create an environment where people feel comfortable experimenting, taking risks, and learning from their mistakes.

3. Invest in Growth & Development Opportunities

Gen Z is ambitious and eager to learn new skills. Show them you're committed to their growth.

  • Provide clear expectations, goals, and regular feedback. Help them understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture and what they need to do to succeed.

  • Offer mentorship programs and connect them with experienced professionals.

  • Create opportunities for advancement. Promote from within and provide training programs to show them there's a future for them at your company.

4. Walk the Talk on Social Responsibility

Gen Z cares about the world around them. They want to work for companies that share their values and are making a positive impact.

  • Support causes that align with your company values. This could include volunteering, donating to charities, or implementing sustainable practices.

  • Be transparent about your social impact. Share your initiatives and progress with your employees and the public.

Is Your Company Ready for the Future of Work?

Attracting and retaining top Gen Z talent isn’t just about checking boxes—it’s about building a company that aligns with their values, supports their growth, and allows them to make a real impact.

Want to find out if your company is a Gen Z magnet? Take our quick quiz to discover your Gen Z Attractiveness Score!

Ready to hire interns & fresh graduates to transform your business? Kabel makes it easy!

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